Construction work to connect Van Metre Hall and Fuse at Mason Square
Contractors will start to build interior connections between Van Metre Hall and Fuse at Mason Square on Tuesday, Aug. 13. The buildings will connect in two places on the first floor of Van Metre Hall (near the Multipurpose Room/Auditorium, and in the rear of the building near the classrooms), and on the second floor of Van Metre, near the University Life suite. This work will continue for 3–4 weeks, and building occupants may hear construction noise.
Fuse is still an active construction site, and access is restricted to authorized personnel only. Contact arlops@gmu.edu with questions.
Road Work on Fairfax Drive
Contractors will complete paving on Fairfax Drive near Mason Square starting Tuesday, Aug. 13. This work will include temporary lane closures (including bike lanes), parking closures, and new traffic patterns for the next two weeks. Contact arlops@gmu.edu with questions.